FreshWind Ltd – better air quality with over 10 years of experience
FreshWind Ltd is a Finnish producer of efficient and versatile high pressure humidification systems, located in Jyväskylä in Central Finland. We implement comprehensive systems tailored to our client’s needs. We also provide installation and maintenance services for Danfoss high pressure products.
Contact us and we will solve your cooling, humidification and dust prevention problems for you!
We will help you determine the exact specifications of the system that is right for you. FreshWind systems are delivered on a turnkey basis, ready to use.
You will find our office at Pajatie 8, near downtown Jyväskylä.
FreshWind Oy
(VAT-number 2595210-4)
Pajatie 8
40630 Jyväskylä

Kalevi Riipinen
+358 400 245 507
kalevi.riipinen @
Aki Kuvaja (english)
Sales and Project Management
+358 400 722 800
aki.kuvaja @
Simo Saarinen
Project Manager
+358 400 243 399
simo.saarinen @
Marjut Paljakka (english)
+358 400 234 406
marjut.paljakka @
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Operaattoritunnus 003721291126
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Freshwind Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
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