Negative effects of dust and heat on construction sites

There’s always a lot of dust formation on construction sites, especially when demolishing old structures and grinding materials. Dust causes major health issues and it can damage or even break devices exposed to it. Lots of effective working hours is lost building dust protection in construction sites, not to mention the time lost in cleaning. For example, in bathroom renovation outstanding amounts of dust is produced and it can’t be totally handled with negative pressurized air or covering places with plastic. In some cases, it’s not even possible to use plastic covering. In addition to dust exposure, dry air and excessive heat on work sites diminish working effectivity and they are also hazardous to health. The dust formed on construction sites very often expose people to cancer, because the dust is super fine and it penetrates deep into lungs regardless of respiration filters normally used by construction workers.

Too dry and hot air overloads body and in such cases the employer is required to take actions to improve working conditions. Relative humidity should be around 30-50 % and temperature below 28 °C. Furthermore, it has to be taken into account that protective gear and working clothes in general might multiply the heat load of an employee compared to air temperature. Working in hot environment might expose employees to various health issues, such as fainting, dehydration and fatigue. Heavy sweating in high temperatures irritates skin, which can lead to various skin diseases.

FreshWind movable dust suppression unit is the solution

Higher air humidity enhances the dust suppression process and decreases dust transition. FreshWind dust suppression unit produces super fine mist, which is highly effective in suppressing dust. In the same process it moisturizes and cools the air. High pressure super fine mist does not wet surroundings, so it doesn’t damage for example surfaces and electric machinery or devices. On the contrary, it even protects electrical devices by diminishing the formation of static electricity. Moist and cool air produced by FreshWind dust binding unit significantly improves the air quality and wellbeing of employees, thus improving productivity of work and reducing sick leaves. The dust binding unit is light and it’s easy to move it from one place to another.

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